Alabama Fuel &
Iron Company
Alabama Fuel and Iron Company was a
commercial coal company which operated
in the Cahaba Coal Field for nearly 50
years. It was founded by Henry F.
DeBardeleben and likely represents his
last business venture, although the
company was successfully operated by 3
generations of the family: Henry
Fairchild, son Charles and grandson
Prince DeBardeleben.
The author originally prepared a series of 5
articles about this company for the
newsletter of the Mid South Chapter of
the Railway and Locomotive Historical
Society (R&LHS) which is based at
the historic Leeds Depot near
Birmingham, AL. These are linked
on this page.
AF&ICo was a private stock
company, and not a great deal has been
written about the company. These
articles are based on extensive research
of the company records which are
archived at the University of Alabama in
the Hoole Library, and are easily
accessible there. Although the
company was founded in 1905-1906, the
archive records only cover the period
from 1916 to about 1953, the end of the
company's liquidation.
Additional information was obtained
from other sources, not the least of
which is the collection of material
gathered by Thomas Denney of Birmingham,
an intrepid explorer of industrial
history both in the field, online and in
libraries. His willingness to
share his resources has been
invaluable. Other contributors are
mentioned in the articles. which are not
footnoted, but references are generally
made parenthetically.
1 - Introduction |
2 - Acton Mines |
3 - Overton Mines |
4 - Margaret, Colgate and Acmar |
5 - Margaret, Colgate and Acmar |