Separation and the "Viaducts"
first viaduct (overpass) was built, over the railroad reservation, in
accordance with a franchise granted by the City in 1885 to the Elyton
Land Company. This viaduct was located at 22nd Street, was built
30 feet wide, made of wood and carried streetcar traffic. It would
last for 40 years, until the City "forced" the Birmingham
Electric Company to replace it in 1925. This was done by
interpreting the old franchise agreement, in favor of the City.
view is looking north, and is taken from the Library of Congress (LOC)
next viaduct carried 21st Street over the railroad reservation, and was
made of steel. It didn't carry streetcars, and was devoted to
vehicular traffic. It was built prior to 1904, and lasted until it
was judged to be obsolete.
image, also from the LOC, shows the 1885 22nd Street viaduct on the
left, and the steel 21st Street viaduct on the right. The view is
to the east.
Street is still at grade and would remain so for another 25 years.
An early underpass,
or subway, was built to carry 5th Avenue North and streetcar lines
beneath terminal station. This opened with the Station in 1907.
Sadly, the station is gone, but the tunnel is
still there, without the streetcars of course.
This is the site of the well known "Magic
City" sign in later years. |
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