Society for Industrial Archaeology (SIA)

Southern Chapter Reorganization -- January 26, 2008

The Birmingham District is a very good place to enjoy industrial archaeology, and the SIA is a very good support and leadership organization for this activity.  The Southern Chapter of the SIA had a reorganizational meeting in order to be more active and provide for the development of interest folks have in this fascinating vocation.  To learn more about the Society for Industrial Archaeology, visit their website.  Better yet, if you interested in industrial and technology history, become a member of SIA national and get active with the Southern Chapter.

The re-organization meeting for the Southern Chapter was held at Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park in the Iron & Steel Museum of Alabama on January 26, 2008.  The meeting was led initially by member Jim Bennett, and subsequent discussion led to selection of leadership positions.  These were filled by  Jack Bergstresser, Sr. PhD., Chairman, and by  John Stewart, Secretary.  The intent of this group is to energize the somewhat dormant Southern Chapter of SIA and to start good activity in the field building on work done in the recent months by local members of SIA.

If you are interested in joining the Southern Chapter of the SIA, and working to learn about the industrial history of the Birmingham District, please contact Secretary Stewart through this website.  Email regarding Southern Chapter SIA

Re-organization of Southern Chapter SIA, January 26th, 2008

Kneeling (l to r): Trey McFerrin, Alex Nuckols; 

Standing (l to r): Jimmy Mitchell, William Eiland, Eric McFerrin, Jim Bennett, Jack Bergstresser, John Stewart, Lee Sorrell

New leadership: Chairman Bergstresser & Secretary Stewart


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