Lehigh Mines

So, what's the bottom line on Lehigh?

The bottom line is $170,359.79.  Pretty impressive.

This is the only balance sheet that was found in the Toulmin Papers so far.  It would appear that in 1907, the No. 2 mine is producing the most product, compared to No. 1 and No. 4.  It is interesting to note that expenses for shoes were over $700, and that Alabama Grocery Company was paid nearly $1000.  One wonders if the shoes were for the worker?  It is not clear if this is a balance sheet "year to date" or for the month of September, 1907.

It is interesting to note that there are expenses for "tram roads" and for "tram cars".  Would this indicate that this was the first year of operation for the narrow gauge rail line -- a tram road could have been pulled by "horsepower".

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