Society for Industrial Archaeology (SIA)

Southern Chapter Field Trip, November, 2009

The Chapter took a field trip to the Red Mountain site of the Redding Shaft Mine.  This facility was written up in the SIA Newsletter Summer 2009 by member Eric McFerrin, who has become the first Ranger for the Red Mountain Park in Birmingham.

Eric McFerrin hosted the trip with great assistance from several others.

Field trip gang at the north side of the hoist house at Redding Hoisting drums at Redding
Ranger Eric tells us about the Redding Mine site; great maps and pictures Grooved drum face with markings from wire cable winding
Vintage photo of the intact Redding Shaft Mine site; shaft hoist tower in background Vintage view of the hoist tower; L&N South Mineral Branch in background
Aerial image looking south across the crest of Red Mtn.; Redding is on the south slope left of top center; foreground is TCI's  #10 Slope Mine Detail of photo on the left showing Redding site just left of center of photo
Field Trip Redding Shaft Mine, Red Mountain, Birmingham, AL 11/14/09

Thanks to Eric McFerrin and others who provided maps and pictures for everyone's enjoyment -- some of these are copied here.

SIA Organizational Meeting at Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park, January, 2008

If you are interested in joining the Southern Chapter of the SIA, and working to learn about industrial history of the Birmingham District, please contact the Chapter through this website.  Email regarding Southern Chapter SIA

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